Knowledge day, or How we celebrated September 1st at Maple Bear Kyiv

Posted in News on Monday, October 02, 2023

Maple Bear Kyiv welcomes you on September 1st. May this academic year be bright, filled with new knowledge and skills, and joyful experiences for all students, preschoolers, and their families.

Our Knowledge Day was as vibrant as any other day, with children not wanting to go home in the evening because they were having such a great time here. The festive assembly with parents, students, and preschoolers, the national anthem, raising the flag, and the first bell. 

We paid tribute to the fallen with a minute of silence. The police visited us on this special day, reminding our students about safety rules and introducing their helpers – dogs.

In classrooms and groups, some recalled, while others got acquainted with the Maple Bear Kyiv rules, and we’ve already had our first lessons. In the second half of the day, preschoolers enjoyed a puppet theatre performance, and a magician paid a visit to the elementary school students.

Moreover, we celebrated the summer birthdays of our students with our entire community of 100 students.

Stay tuned for more updates. For more details on September 1st, see our Highlights

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