What subjects do students and preschoolers study in English at Maple Bear Kyiv?

Starting from the next academic year 2023/24, our students will study besides Math, English Language Arts, and Science two more subjects – Computational Thinking (CT) and Character Education (CE). In this post, you find out more about CT.
Computational Thinking allows us to tackle complex problems and generate possible solutions. Can this be taught? For sure!
At Maple Bear, a program has been developed for students from the age of 3. Students will learn to see the connection between learning and real-life situations, as well as across different fields of science.
As a result, they will be able to apply the 4 processes that underlie CT:
– Decompose a large problem into smaller ones and arrive at a general solution through a series of small ones;
– Identify relevant and irrelevant factors for problem-solving;
– Recognize patterns and apply past experiences in solving similar problems;
– Create algorithms – document the sequence of steps and rules that others can use.
Character Education is a subject that focuses on developing the moral and ethical values of students. We believe that not only knowledge and academic achievements are essential, but also the development of personal qualities:
– Respect and tolerance towards others.
– Responsibility for their actions and words.
– Collaboration and mutual assistance.
– Honesty, kindness, and courage.
– Emotional intelligence – the ability to empathize and forgive.
– Acceptance of their mistakes and learning from them.
These qualities not only contribute to the social, emotional, moral, and academic development of students but also improve the school atmosphere and prepare our students for their future lives and accomplishments in the adult world.
Learning at Maple Bear Kyiv becomes even more exciting! Enrollment for Kindergarten and Elementary School is ongoing. Call us at +380950969075.
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